Fast Diet

Alli has gotten some bad press lately in regards to liver damage and other negative health conditions. As an alternative to Alli, we recommend you try the fast diet, or known by another name, the the Master Cleanse fast. The fast diet sounds extreme, but I have personally known three peoplpe, co-workers, who used it with great success and no health concerns. In fact, while on fast diet, they reported:

>>More energy
>>Enhanced mental focus
>>Better digestion

Remember, the fast diet is also refferd to as the "Master cleanse diet," and that is exactly whatit does. The fast diet detoxifies the body and cleanses impurities resulting not only in weight loss, but complete bodilly rejuvenation.

Fast Diet Ingredients:
The fast diet is made with fresh lime or lemon juice, maple syrup, and a half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed with water, that is consumed 6 - 12 times a day.

As you may recall, Beyonce appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show a while back in support of the fast diet. Although she ate vegetables along with the fast diet, she lost an incrediuible 20 pounds in a two week period.

The co-workers I knew who tried fast diet and was astonished by their energy and their weight loss. They said they never felt tired or hungry. Apparantly the combination of ingredients in the fast diet does a body good!

Fast Diet Instructions:

Day one - Eat fresh foods and vegetables including salads. This prepares the body for the diet and begins the detox.

Day two - Droink only juices. Fresh squeezed orange juice is a good choice, along with ither juices,

Day three - Begin the fast diet and continue for between 3 days and up to 2 weeks. It is not recommended to otry the fast diet for longer periods, but 2 weeks is enough to drop a quick 20 pounds and rejuvenate and detoxify the body.

I did a little research on the fast diet, while preparing to write this post and found a different version of the fast diet. It's an actual diet regimen. The F.A.S.T diet. It differs because it is not an actual fast, but a program that an entire family or even a group of friends can use to support each other in their weight loss goals. FAST stands for Families Always Succeed Together. The Dean family lost a total of 500 pounds together and you can succeed as well by reading their book. Here are some details:

Every member of the Dean family was overweight and out of shape. Within twelve months, Tony Dean, his parents, and his five brothers and sisters had lost more than 500 pounds. And they did it without pills, special foods, counting points, or buying any special equipment. They had all tried to lose weight before, but despite the occasional small success, the weight loss was always temporary. So how did this ordinary family manage to overcome a lifetime of weight problems to achieve such remarkable results?

They did it together following the F.A.S.T. (Families Always Succeed Together) diet, a program Tony created that encouraged everyone to eat better, exercise more, and hold themselves accountable for maintaining their individual health while encouraging others in the family to stick to their own diet and exercise regimen. And it worked. The Deans are in the best shape of their lives, slimmer and healthier than ever before–and they plan to stay that way.

In The F.A.S.T. Diet, Tony Dean shows you how to create your own team–of friends, coworkers, or anyone interested in losing weight–and harness the power of teamwork and accountability to help you succeed. The F.A.S.T. Diet will show you how to:

• Eat the foods you want and still lose weight
• Host weekly weigh-ins to maximize your loss potential
• Motivate yourself to go to the gym even when you don’t want to
• Use the support of your team to get you through the tough days

In just one year, the Deans transformed their health and their future. In The F.A.S.T. Diet, Tony shares everything they learned and everything you will need to transform your life, once and for all!

We did it. You can, too!

Reviews of the book and the fast diet program:

“This works! I am a forty-six-year-old wife and mother of two who has tried every diet out there. By teaching me how to get healthy and lose the weight that has plagued me for twenty years, this program has changed my life for the rest of my life.”–Jill Nielsen, Omaha, Nebraska

“The F.A.S.T. program has been the easiest diet I’ve ever followed. With three jobs, a family, and very little time to commit to exercise, I’ve lost 30 pounds to date and am still losing. I feel so much better, and people are noticing. And my cholesterol has dropped. Most important to me is that this program has made cravings a thing of the past. I love it!”–Marlene Zotti, Papillion, Nebraska

“As a family physician, I know the number one problem with weight loss is not lack of knowledge of how to lose weight–it is a lack of accountability and/or a support system. I believe that good accountability, like that used in the F.A.S.T. diet, helps override all the excuses that derail good diets. The F.A.S.T. Diet hits not only the important points of ‘healthy’ eating and exercising but gives people the tools to be successful. I will definitely use this to educate patients who want to lose weight.”–Matthew S. Bott, MD

“After losing more than 60 pounds and five dress sizes in five months, I am healthier than I have been in years. I feel better and have more energy! The F.A.S.T. Diet will be an inspiration for anyone struggling to lose weight and get healthy. It’s a simple approach to lifestyle changes you can live with.” –Elaine Pritchard, RN

“I have tried numerous other diet plans and failed. What I like most about the F.A.S.T. plan is that I control what I eat, so it does not feel like a diet. I have learned to change my eating habits and I am still cashing in on the results.” –Tracy Mills, Farmington, Minnesota

“It has taken me fifteen years to lose this weight–fourteen and a half years of trying every other weight-loss program under the sun and then the last six months using the F.A.S.T. diet. This program has changed my life.” –Lori Prochaska, Ralston, Nebraska

“I began this program as an amputee with high blood pressure and 100 pounds to lose. I was very depressed and had little confidence in my ability to shed weight. Tony promised me that if I stayed dedicated and made good choices, I would succeed. Now, here I am with nearly half the weight already gone, and my life is just incredible. For the first time in twelve years, I am able to ride a bike, play ball, and do a million other physical activities with my kids!” –Monica Sycuro, Papillion, Nebraska

If you have questions or feedack on Alli Orlistat, the fast diet, or any other weight loss program, we would love to hear from you!